Posts for: #Java

Reading Mifare 1K Card using Java in Linux

The Story

At the end of last year, my friends and I were tasked to read our staff card. The main objective was pretty simple which is to create a library where we don’t have to depend on the vendor every time we want to read our own staff card and the library should also work in Linux and Windows (that means Java to us).

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Java Printing Fix for Linux

Apparently, there’s a bug in Java where people using newer version of CUPS cannot print (can’t even display the print dialog) due to a null pointer exception and this is actually a known bug. So, how do we fix this? For people who use Gnome, you can refer to this page.

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Printing to Zebra S4M Using Java

Apparently there’re some codes scattered on the net telling people that you can print to a Zebra printer by sending ZPL II codes using PrintService. But the problem is, it’s not working, I don’t know why, maybe because of a different version of printer or model but I’m pretty sure the thing that came out from the printer are just ordinary texts not barcode which is what the code was supposed to output.

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