I was trying to deploy a Rails application using Apache and got into some problems when I tried to configure the app so that Apache will be the one that serves the precompiled assets (javascripts, css, images and others). Since I’m on tight deadline (yeah, I should’ve tested production mode much more earlier), I tried my luck with Nginx and it worked easily without any hassle. So, this is how I did it.
Getting Started with Xen on Slackware
Here’s a guide on how to setup Xen virtualization in Slackware.
Corosync and Pacemaker in Slackware
Using GRUB instead of LILO in Slackware
These are the steps I used to replace LILO with GRUB as the boot manager after upgrading my kernel to v3.
How to Read MyKad
I’ve decided to merge posts about reading MyKad from my previous blog into a single post.
The original codes were written by Xenon from Lowyat.net. Somehow, he managed to reverse engineer MyKad’s APDU so that we can read it without buying any SDK.
This application only reads data from Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN).
Using Sybase with Ruby on Rails on Linux
This guide will help you (mostly will help me in the future) to configure your Ruby on Rails to support connection to Sybase.
Running Multiple MySQL on a Single Server
I’m pretty sure I’m going to forget these steps, so, just to be safe, I’m putting it here. I’m dividing this tutorial into two sections, one for default MySQL that comes from Slackware and the other one is for new MySQL.
Configuring Linux to work with NVidia Hybrid SLI Technology
First of all, at the time of this writing, NVIDIA Hybrid SLI Technology is not supported on Linux and without proper configuration, you won’t even be able to load your Desktop Environment such as Xfce.
How to Enable MySQL Support in Qt SDK for Linux
Known to work with:
- Slackware v13.37
- Qt SDK v1.1.5 (32 bit)
- Qt v4.8.0
- MySQL v5.5.18
Reading Mifare 1K Card using Java in Linux
The Story
At the end of last year, my friends and I were tasked to read our staff card. The main objective was pretty simple which is to create a library where we don’t have to depend on the vendor every time we want to read our own staff card and the library should also work in Linux and Windows (that means Java to us).
Printing to PDF using CUPS
Printing to Zebra S4M Using Java
Apparently there’re some codes scattered on the net telling people that you can
print to a Zebra printer by sending ZPL II codes using PrintService
. But the
problem is, it’s not working, I don’t know why, maybe because of a different
version of printer or model but I’m pretty sure the thing that came out from the
printer are just ordinary texts not barcode which is what the code was supposed
to output.