Posts for: #Others

Manage Multiple App URL in Local Development

These days we might have multiple local applications that are running on different ports (e.g: http://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3001 and so on). This is pretty troublesome as we have to remember which application is running on which port.

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HUSM at Malaysia Open Source Conference 2011

On the 5th of July 2011, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) has been chosen as one of the speakers in Malaysia Open Source Conference 2011. It was presented by Mr Yusdirman Bin Yusoff as “Open Source in Health Care: HUSM 10 Years of Innovation”.

Basically it’s about what and how HUSM as one among few hospitals in Malaysia managed to develop its own Total Hospital Information System thus saved millions ringgit of taxpayers money. This is actually the first step for us (IT Unit, HUSM) to show to the world what we have done in this 10 years where most hospitals not willing to do.

The slide can be accessed at